Let’s cover the interface first before diving in to create a map. Gather.Town works on a 32-pixel grid system, so when you create a blank space you’ll see the grid system. Everything occupies spaces that are in multiples of 32. Most chairs are 32px, couches are 64px, tables are 96px and so forth. Once you’ve selected your background image, you can upload it to Gather.Town.
The majority of the controls are placed in the top right corner of the interface. Clicking the hamburger icon opens a menu allowing users to upload a foreground or background image (as well as an option to download those should you need to make edits). You would use the foreground option if you have a space that has doorways for avatars to pass through. Without the foreground, it would appear as though you’re walking on top of the wall.
The vertical menu has a series of icons giving you the option to move your canvas (hand icon), add tiles (the stamp icon – you use this to add spawn, portal, impassible and private spaces) (stamp icon), and erase tiles (eraser). On the right, you also have the ability to add rooms. For example, you could use this if you created an office space and you needed a conference room that is separate from the main space. You would use a portal tile to take users from one room to the next. You also have the ability to zoom in / out on the map, and undo / redo actions.
Horizontally across the top left are buttons for objects, tile effects, and walls & floors, as well as the option to save your map. The objects button will open a dialog allowing you to browse Gather.Town’s library of assets. Included are various furniture pieces, decorative objects and interactive objects.
Now that we’ve covered the interface basics, let’s create a map!
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