Gather and Customize Your Own Virtual Events

Over the past several months, we’ve all gotten pretty used to Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet, right? I’m pretty sure all of my meetings these days are just stacked boxes of talking heads. Sure, you can download some fun backgrounds (personal favorite: but trying to host any sort of networking event or customized virtual conference is a challenge, to say the least, and awkward, at best.

Ready for something new? Check out Gather.Town.


This one is something different. It’s interactive. It’s customizable. And it’s, well, kinda fun!

Think of it as proximity-based video chats. You are a little character that walks around a map, and as you come closer to other characters, your video and audio fade in so that you can talk and interact with them. Just like you would in a bar or a reception hall.  

And guess what? If you don’t want to talk to them, you can make an excuse and… simply walk away. Again, just as if you were in a physical space.

Ironistic hosted our first event within Gather Town about a month ago, and we fell in love. This platform allows us the closest experience to real-life interactions of anything else we’ve tested so far.  Features include:

  • Proximity-based video/audio interaction
  • Screen sharing
  • Private spaces
  • Customized maps and virtual environments
  • Local and global chat options
  • Locate features
  • Interactive games to play with other participants
  • Shareable whiteboards for collaboration
  • Interactive elements such as videos, bulletin boards, and documents
  • Lecture hall capabilities
  • Exhibit hall capabilities
  • Customizable characters
  • Ghost mode
  • And you can even do a little dance in your meetings

Let’s talk about those custom maps and environments for a bit. Gather Town offers a bevy of pre-made maps that include a conference hall, school, bar, park, beach, apartment, beer garden, and office space. But you can also create your own customized space. Check out our space below. We’ve re-created our physical offices… with a few modifications. 

  • It’s branded, of course, for us and our friends at HudsonLake and Axis Research
  • And we’re on the Potomac River
  • Want to play some poker? Jump in the poker room
  • Library for those a bit more studious
  • And we’ve got our movie theater (i.e. lecture hall) for conference meetings and workshops



Ready to host your own virtual meeting, conference, or networking event? Head over to and start building your own world.

Want a professional map and custom services? Give Ironistic a call and ask how we can help maximize your virtual event.

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