Why Small Businesses Need Social Media

Iron Insights

So, what’s the big deal with social media? If you wonder how much emphasis to put on it or how to best use it in your business strategy, our Ironistic team has answers. Read on for some stellar insights on why small businesses need social media.

Social media helps build your brand.

Social media is incredibly important to businesses for a variety of reasons. When I first come across a new business, many times I do a search on my social networks to learn more about them. Finding information on social media helps to validate the business, and it helps users to learn more about the business itself.

Social media is also a great way for businesses to keep in touch with their customers, and it gives them the opportunity to stay in front of their current and potential customers. The statement “out of sight, out of mind” is 100% true. Using social media, we can help to reduce this issue.

I also strongly believe that businesses should have a “brand”. Their brand tells customers what they believe in, what they stand for, and tells a story about the company itself. Social media is an excellent platform to let customers know what their brand is.

– Brandon Vreeman, Front End Developer

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Social media provides a platform for good news and reviews!

Social media is very important to a business. A company needs to use social media to make people aware of them. Customers like to know about a company before they purchase, partner, or hire them. When a company has a good social media presence, it feels like you already know them because you’ve heard of them before.

People look to others for their opinions — great customer service, wonderful product, finished on time, etc. They look for and find these sentiments online through social media. When you hear good things about a company, whether it’s from friends or strangers, you want to do business with them.

– Mary Ann Jacobsen, Human Resources

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Social media empowers you as an expert.

Social media? It is crucial, because it’s a way to get in front of the general public and publicize your business. It is a great way to spread information about topics they might be interested in, which in turn, raises their respect for you as an expert in your field. Like any good PR, the more they hear from you, especially outside of direct advertising, the quicker they will think of you when they have a need for your services.

– The Ironistic Team

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Social media can build loyalty through customer interaction.

Social media allows companies to interact with their customers in a way that was previously impossible — your reach goes beyond local and becomes global. The more you interact with your audience, the greater chance you have to convert them into paying customers. The ability to field questions, compliments, and even complaints, immediately help solidify loyalty to your brand.

– Sylvia Foerster, Creative Director

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An engaging social media presence is just better business.

Social media has become the bread and butter of marketing for any business these days. The key to building a successful brand and reaching the widest audience possible is to establish a strong online presence with social media platforms. Staying on top of trends and engaging with customers not only builds trust with your user base, but also lets you receive feedback you otherwise would not have known.

– David Shayne, Front End Developer

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Use social media to stay competitive.

Depending on your business and your audience, social media can be one of the most pivotal ways to engage with new and existing customers. It’s a convenient way to stay conversational, inform your audience about upcoming changes and events, ask your fanbase questions to gain feedback and also, stay up-to-date with your industry and competitors.

– The Ironistic Team

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Use social media to expand your influence.

Most Americans spend at least a few hours per day on social media platforms. Taking advantage of this marketing and relationship-building avenue can help boost brand recognition, promote product/services, and build customer loyalty through engagement.

Buying ads, responding to inquiries, and engaging in dialogue can be powerful and directly tie to a business’ bottom line. In addition, businesses can grow their spheres of influence through connecting with audience members from around the world.

– Anika Mercier, Project Manager

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There are currently one response.

March 7, 2022

Great content! Thank you for sharing this content. Social media is really the best way to promote brand awareness at a low cost, especially for a small business. I really appreciate it, thank you soo much!


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