Where Should You Share Your Content?

Iron Insights

Content — all kinds — is so important to your digital presence. But where are the best places to share it? Ironistic is here with expert insights to help.

Get others like you to share your content.

1) Social Media — This is the easy answer, but it is probably one of the best ways to keep in front of your customers and get in front of potential new customers. People are typically viewing their social media multiple times a day. Staying in front of customers keeps them from forgetting about your business, which is a large part of the battle for every business large or small!

2) Other Blogs or Websites With Likeminded Goals — Getting your content shared on other sites or blogs is a huge thing for sharing content. This gives you an opportunity to reach a whole new clientele base that you otherwise wouldn’t easily reach.

– Brandon Vreeman, Front End Developer

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Forum platforms for feedback.

Sharing content, depending on industry and target audience, is almost always appropriate via email and social platforms. Content shared in forum platforms like Reddit tend to have high engagement, which is a quick and easy way to see how people respond to your messaging. It serves as a mini focus group who can add or give feedback to your content.

– The Ironistic Team

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Make friends with social media and blogs.

Content is king, and you have to get it out there! So, where to share? Try not to spam, but hit up every social media known to man, (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, and many more). Eblasts with links back to your content help too.

Don’t forget the power of a blog! Then share that content with other bloggers who have a similar group of followers. If you need more of a reach, you can always look for discussion groups concerning your topic and share your information there. As long as it is relevant to your targeted audience, go for it!

– The Ironistic Team

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Emails still work!

Well, you have the obvious social outlets like LinkedIn, but don’t forget good old-fashioned email. We all receive a ton of email newsletters, and most of us only read them sporadically… but that’s ok! Even if your clients/potential clients only read 10% of your email blasts, you achieve far more exposure than if you failed to send any emails at all.

– Chris Foss, Co-founder and President

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Go big on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn! LinkedIn has become an ever growing hub for all things business for years, but in our digital era, now more than ever, having a strong presence on LinkedIn gives your company the internet “stamp of approval”.

– The Ironistic Team

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A variety of social channels for a variety of users

Social media is still king! It’s very important to have content on the major channels. Even better it’s ideal to have different targeted content for each channel since users vary.

– Anika Mercier, Project Manager

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