What to Include in an Association Event Website

Iron Insights

A virtual or in-person event is best marketed when attached to a website that strongly presents its overall value. Since the goal is to attract potential attendees or keep current ones in-the-know, there’s plenty to consider when planning out content. Here’s what to include in an association event website.

Why choose your event?

Besides the normal what, where, and when, I think including information on why people should choose your event over the hundreds of other events that they could choose from is probably the most important. When we choose a place to go, something to see, etc., we want to make sure that we’re going to have a good time. If there’s nothing that differentiates your event from everything else going on, they’ll find an event that does differentiate itself!

– Brandon Vreeman, Front End Developer

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Include forms to register.

  1. This may be obvious but make sure your event details are front and center.
  2. Include links and/or forms to register for the event.
  3. Make sure there is a calendar for the main event and also future upcoming events.
  4. Don’t forget FAQs and contact information. People have a lot of questions. 😉

– The Ironistic Team

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