Top 5 Reasons You Should Be Engaging in Digital Marketing

Why use Digital MarketingBefore we dive into the “why” of digital marketing, let’s briefly visit the “what”. Digital marketing is a term widely used to describe a client’s website presence, social media, SEO, and online ads (such as Google AdWords). But digital marketing also includes wireless text messaging, mobile apps, podcasts, email, social media advertising, electronic billboards, digital television, radio channels, and more.

So why should you be engaging in digital marketing, anyway?

  • The number one reason to use digital marketing is because your target audience is there! People love to use the Internet to search for information. Digital marketing is everywhere. The Internet is so pervasive that consumers have access to information at anytime, anywhere. When you engage in digital marketing techniques, you have control of what consumers see and can even influence them to take a particular action, like visit your website or buy your product.
  • Digital reviews matter! Digital media allows the audience to see what the media, friends, relatives, peers, etc., are saying about you and your organization. And they are more likely to believe them than you. 88% of people trust online reviews written by other consumers as much as they trust recommendations from personal contacts.
  • Brand Awareness!  Research shows that people want brands they can trust, companies that know them, content that is personalized and relevant, and special offers that are tailored to their needs and preferences. The world of digital marketing allows you do just that! People work with, and refer others to, brands they know and trust.
  • Reach your target audience! Digital marketing allows you to give people what they are searching for – a well-researched strategic plan will shape your content to match your audience’s needs. You will be the expert in your field, be likable, and most importantly, be trustworthy. (Check out Elements of a Marketing Plan)
  • Real-time analytics! The analytics offered with digital marketing are comprehensive and vital to your ongoing strategy. Digital marketing is unique in that it’s one of the more highly trackable types of marketing. That is, you can directly see how your digital marketing efforts affect your bottom line. Since it involves the use of online channels and methods, an organization can analyze marketing campaigns and understand what is working and what isn’t – typically in real time. Digital monitors what is being viewed, how often and for how long, what content works and doesn’t work, and more.

For more information on digital marketing see Digital Marketing Basics You Can’t Ignore, How To Advertise Online and much more on The Ironistic Blog.

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There are currently 17 responses.

Chris Pederson
October 23, 2020

I found it interesting how you said that digital marketing allows for you to build trust between your brand and your customers. I think this is essential now of days and easy to do with apps like Twitter. If you can make people laugh, then you’ve already got a great lead on your competition.

June 22, 2020

Very interesting post to discover aspect of digital marketing. Thanks for sharing.

June 6, 2020

Absolutely correct. And, having a knowledge of digital marketing basics and fundamental approach makes it easier to kickstart one’s own online marketing campaign and reap results.

Thanks for sharing such a wonderful piece.

Jonathan May
June 4, 2020

Engaging in digital marketing is always a good idea, you just have to choose the right company to hire.This will give you a high ROI.

Iqbal Ahmad
June 1, 2020

A very comprehensive & informative article. Some of the SEO trends I would like to list in 2020, will be voice search, featured snippets, mobile search, social influencers etc,
most of the voice search queries will be specific & long-tail keywords, as users will want answers to their queries, & most voice queries will be local, so the latest trend in seo will be local seo.

May 27, 2020

I like the way you have shared the tips after classifying it into different aspects of digital marketing. Thank you for sharing all the information for aspirants of the digital marketing field.

May 5, 2020

Thank you for sharing this information. It was very helpful.

rachel frampton
April 17, 2020

I’ve been thinking of ways on how I can further improve my marketing strategy because I am way left behind compared to my competitors. I guess you’re right about how digital marketing can help create brand awareness because according to you, contents that are personalized and relevant are what attract the audience. Also, I agree with you that through this, people will be provided what they’re searching for.

Tyson Coolidge
February 3, 2020

I like what you said about using digital marketing since 88% of people trust online reviews. My sister has been telling me about how she wants to expand her business in the coming months. I’ll share this information with her so that she can look into her options for professionals who can help her with this.

Dylan Peterson
December 18, 2019

It’s awesome that digital marketing can help your brand become more trustworthy in the eyes of people. My boss has been telling me about how he wants to make sure that our business is growing in the coming year. I’ll share this information with him so that he can look into his options for professionals who can help him with this in the future.

Eileen Benson
December 6, 2019

It was interesting when you talked about how using digital marketing allows us to reach our target audience and persuade them to visit our website. The small business I work for is kind of old-fashioned and doesn’t have much of an online presence. Maybe I’ll start looking for a digital marketing consultant we can hire to raise awareness of our business.

Amy Winters
August 20, 2019

Thank you for pointing out that digital marketing allows you to give people what they are searching for. My boss has been thinking about hiring a professional digital marketing service. It’s good to know that they could help raise his brand awareness.

Thomas Jameson
July 8, 2019

It’s good to know that digital marketing increases brand awareness and trust. My boss has been looking for a way to get a renewed sense of trust for our business, and digital marketing seems like just what he’s looking for. He definitely can’t tackle this issue on his own, so I’ll pass this information along to him for his benefit.

March 13, 2019

Wonderful! Such a detailed article on understanding the value in digital marketing expertise. The above-mentioned information is really helpful. This article has all the details regarding the Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Be Engaging in Digital Marketing. Also, I got some clarification on some doubts through this article.

Raghav Verma
May 16, 2018

Thanks for sharing this relevant information with us, this will help every digital marketing beginner.
1. For a clear DIRECTION

You may have a general idea regarding what you want for your business from the digital space. Try to note down these ideas, along with how you would achieve them? I’m sure you’ll be struck by the numerous thoughts that flow in and you will soon realise that a casual approach wouldn’t help you progress with the general digital plan you initially had in mind.
2. To COMPETE in the online space
Many businesses fail to realise the importance of having an online presence and the proportion of customers they’re losing out only because their business can’t be found on the internet.
3. To INTEGRATE your entire marketing strategy
Digital Marketing works best not when it is performed in silos but when it’s integrated with offline marketing activities

Rajesh Sawant
November 2, 2017

This is because digital marketing being able to reach vast numbers of potential consumers at one time. A great piece of information. Thank you Janet for sharing it.


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