Special Series:
The Big 3 Website Audits and Why You Can’t Live Without Them

Website Audits

Technical, UX, & SEO

Congratulations! The fact that you’re here means you’re invested in the success of your digital platform and taking your website seriously. We know a website audit doesn’t sound fun, but it’s necessary to keep it performing at an optimal level – not to mention keeping your visitors and customers happy.
You know how it’s necessary to clean out the fridge every so often? Or change the oil in your car – rotate the tires? And sometimes, your house might need a new roof or a fresh coat of paint. Website audits do similar upkeep for your digital platform. Without them – well…
So, keep reading to learn about the big three audits that will keep your website healthy and happy.

website audits technical website audit

Technical Audit

Oh, the technical audit. It’s often the less glamorous sounding things that are the most important, right? The worker bees behind the scenes? The film crew on set making everything and everyone look good? That’s kind of what a technical audit does for your website.
It makes sure all the cogs and wheels that nobody sees from the outside are ship-shape, up-to-date, and helping your site run smoothly.
So, let’s learn more about the importance of technical audits and what that actually means…
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A usability (UX) audit is the 20-20 vision team-player of website audits. To do this one well, you need to see things from a different point of view – with kaleidoscope eyes. 
The goal of a usability (or user experience) audit is to analyze your website from an outsider’s perspective, and make sure your visitors and customers have a smooth and enjoyable journey as they browse your web pages and look for information. Don’t assume – know.
Read on for the 411 about the all-important usability audit…

UX Audit

A usability (UX) audit is the 20-20 vision team-player of website audits. To do this one well, you need to see things from a different point of view – with kaleidoscope eyes. 
The goal of a usability (or user experience) audit is to analyze your website from an outsider’s perspective, and make sure your visitors and customers have a smooth and enjoyable journey as they browse your web pages and look for information. Don’t assume – know.
Read on for the 411 about the all-important usability audit

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UX audit usability audit user experience audit
SEO audit

SEO Audit

Last, but certainly not least, is the SEO audit. Search engine optimization is so critical for the success of digital platforms, yet the goal post always seems to be moving with every Google update. And while Google is, obviously, not the only search engine out there, it is certainly the most dominant, which is why it’s wise to have professionals manage the nitty gritty of SEO for your website.
Did you know there are many more facets to SEO than just a well-chosen keyword? A comprehensive SEO audit will analyze your website’s pages for SEO performance, optimization, and find opportunities to improve your search engine rankings.
Learn more about the aspects and benefits of SEO audits
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