Category: Development

Calculate The Value of a Website

Remember, Remember…To Calculate the Value Per User of Your Website. The whole purpose of having a website is to gain value from your visitors, right? Sometimes that value is obvious in the form of immediate online sales. Other times the value is in a sales lead through a contact form, or a newsletter sign up, […]

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Use CSS Preprocessors or Else

As most of you know, CCS is a language used to determine the appearance of HTML pages. Over the past couple of years, CSS preprocessors were introduced to add extensive functionality to CSS that should have been there in the first place. These preprocessors basically supercharge your CSS files. There are a number of CSS […]

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3 Biggest Mistakes a Website Development Project Manager Can Make

*Updated July 2021* Clients and projects of all sizes and stress levels will test a project manager, challenging them to prove effective organizational skills and strategic thinking during all stages of the project. How a project manager responds to these challenges will separate the “good” project managers and the “great” ones.  It’s important to note: […]

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